IRCC Pre-Arrival Services
IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) offers Pre-Arrival Services to help immigrants prepare for their new life in Canada before they arrive. These services are designed to provide information and support on various aspects of settling in Canada, including employment, education, language skills, and community integration.
Community Airport Newcomers Network
The Community Airport Newcomers Network (CANN) is an initiative designed to support immigrants and newcomers as soon as they arrive at major airports in Canada. This service aims to provide immediate assistance and essential information to help newcomers start their settlement process smoothly.
WelcomeBC is a comprehensive program provided by the government of British Columbia, Canada, aimed at helping immigrants and newcomers settle and integrate into their new communities. WelcomeBC offers a wide range of resources and services designed to support newcomers in various aspects of their lives, including employment, education, language training, and community connections.